What are the potential dermal filler complications?

Dermal fillers involve injecting a substance into the face to maximise volume and shape, and to add structure to the face too.

These are generally made from Hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance found in the human body. But whenever anything is injected into your body, especially your face, there are potential risks and complications.

These are made much more likely when you choose an unregistered, unqualified practitioner, as many of the problems that can occur, do so because of errors made during the procedure. These errors could include:

  • injecting too much dermal filler
  • injecting into an unsuitable area of the face
  • aggressive injection action

Any of these errors could result in complications including:

  • facial asymmetry
  • bruising
  • infection
  • direct nerve damage
  • vascular compromise

That’s why its always best to work with a professionally trained and qualified aesthetic practitioner.

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